Watch where you are walking…

The Joy of The Lord is Your Strength
Posts from the Abe Comics series.
Watch where you are walking…
Ed shares his shopping experience with Abe.
Do you sometimes wonder if God is still moving in your life? Maybe it does not look like it, but He is still moving.
Do you see the image of God in your reflection?
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Do you know all the books of the Bible?
I remember clearly when my dad showed me how he could quote all the books of the Bible on the spot, from memory. It so impressed me that I wanted to do it also.
So I spent the time memorizing all the books, and it took a while, but I did it. Now I can quote all the books of the Bible from memory.
Read moreEd shares what stands out to him in the Bible.
What stands out to you?
I did a blog post about this here:
If you are blessed by my comics please comment and share them with your friends.
1 Peter 2:2 As newborn babies, desire the sincere milk of the word, that you may grow by it: (GBMV)
I wrote an article about this subject “Feed on The Word“. You can find it here:
I pray that you are blessed by my comics. Please leave a comment below or share this with a friend.